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4 ounces roasted unsalted peanuts
3 garlic cloves - (to 4) -- chopped
1 ounce chopped onion
1 tablespoon red or massaman curry paste -- (to 2 tbspns)
1 teaspoon fish sauce
8 tablespoons coconut milk
4 teaspoons lime juice - (to 6 tspns) -- to taste
2 teaspoons palm sugar - (to 3 tspns)
First grind or crush the peanuts to a fairly fine powder. Then combine them with the remaining ingredients (except the lime juice), to form a smooth sauce. If the sauce is too thick, you can thin it with a little chicken stock. Now add the lime juice, tasting as you progress to check the balance of flavors is correct.
Note; use red curry paste with beef or pork satay, massaman (as above) with chicken. If you are doing shrimp satay then use half the quantity of massaman paste.
Comments: Peanut sauce is actually of Malaysian or Indonesian origin. Very few dishes served in Thailand actually use peanut sauce but it has become a very popular part of American-Thai food. The peanut sauce above is our favorite variation. If you prefer, peanut butter can be used rather than fresh peanuts
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