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1 lb shrimp, cleaned & deveined
2 bacon strips
4 water chestnuts or
1/2 medium onion
1 salt
1 pepper
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoon corn starch
1 oil for deep frying
1. Mince shrimp, bacon, onion or water chestnuts together until fine. Place mixture in bowl. Remove crusts from bread. Dice bread into very fine cubes. Place cubes in shrimp mixture. Add salt, pepper, egg and 2 tablespoons corn starch to mixture. Combine thoroughly.
2. Fill a wok halfway up with oil. Heat oil on highest heat setting.When you think oil is sufficiently heated, test the temperature of it with a small piece of bread crust. If it frys to a golden brown colour, then oil is ready for deep frying. If bread crust fails to brown readily, then oil is not ready yet. If bread crust frys to a dark brown, then oil is too hot. Shut heat off of wok, allow oil to cool 5 minutes before turning heat on again. Retest oil with bread crust to see if it is of proper temperature.
3. When oil is ready for deep frying, take 2 teaspoons, dip into shrimp mixture and form a 1" diameter ball. Drop ball into hot oil, Place about 8 balls into the hot oil. Allow each ball to deep fry 3 minutes. Turn balls so that each will fry to a golden brown colour. Remove balls to paper toweling to drain excess oil from them. Repeat procedure for deep frying rest of shrimp mixture until all of the mixture is used up. Place shrimp balls on a serving platter. Garnish with parsley or other raw vegetable.
Yield: 5 servings
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