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Orange Ginger Beef: Date Added: 11 Nov 2009
Listed in: Beef

2 tbsp of vegetable oil
1 x blade simmering steak, boneless, about 1 pound or .5 kg
2 x onions, chopped
1 knob ginger, rinsed well, unpeeled, sliced thinly
2 tbsp of Soy sauce
1 x 10 oz can of beef stock
1 cup of orange marmalade
1 cup of orange juice
1 tbsp of five-spice powder
1 bunch of cilantro
1 bag of baby spinach
1 cup of bean sprouts
1 bunch of green onions, chopped

Cooking Instructions

Preheat the pot over a medium high heat then add the oil. Sear the steak on both sides until evenly browned. Add the onions and ginger and stir for a few minutes until lightly browned. If the pan starts to burn, add a splash of water and continue.

Add the soy sauce, orange juice, marmalade, beef stock and five-spice powder. Rinse the cilantro well then thinly chop the root end of the bunch, add to the pot. Reserve the leaves. Bring all the ingredients to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover with a tight fitting lid and continue simmering until tender, about 1 hour.

When the meat is tender enough, break it into smaller chunks. Split the spinach and bean sprouts evenly between four bowls. Stir the green onions into the broth then ladle into each bowl

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