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Canned Tomato Soup: Date Added: 20 Nov 2009
Listed in: Soups

8 quarts ripe tomatoes
1 large celery bunch
6 large onions
1 bunch parsley
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup flour - (to 1 cup)
1/2 cup sugar - (to 1 cup)
1/4 teaspoon salt - (to 1/2 tspn)
1/4 teaspoon cayenne

Cooking Instructions

Wash and cut vegetables. Boil until very soft. Press through sieve, discard solid parts. Return strained vegetables to heat.

In small saucepan melt butter, add flour, sugar, salt and cayenne; stir well. When blended, slowly mix with strained vegetables. Heat to boiling point and let cook until thickened, stirring frequently. Pour into hot sterilized jars and close immediately to seal.
This recipe yields about 9 quarts.

Comments: Larger amounts of flour, sugar, salt and cayenne yield a thicker, spicier soup. Use amounts to suit your tastes.

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