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1 fresh asparagus; 6 or 7 spea
1 fresh or frozen oysters; all
2 tablespoon dry white wine
2 egg yolks
20 butter
1 salt, pepper, cayenne
Trim bottom 1" of the asparagus spears and peel the lower part if necessary (shouldn't be required if you've selected the bunches correctly and trimmed off the bottoms) then poach them gently - get about 1" of water boiling in.
Cut the oysters into thin strips rather than serving them as lumps. Reserve the juice from the oyster shells - should get about 2 tablespoon fr Mix this with the dry white wine and reduce over heat by about 2/3rds (i.e. you'll have about 1 1/2 tablespoon left).
Add this liquor and about 4 tablespoon of the poaching water slowly to the and whisk them over very low heat until light and frothy (note: do not have the liquor or the other fluid too hot when adding to the eggs - you don't want to curdle them).
Add seasoning. Then draw the sauce together by adding 20 gram of *cold* di butter and stirring it in gently. Add the oyster strips and fold through. Lay the freshly cooked asparagus spears on the serving plates and pour the oyster sauce over them (fairly now ;-).
Yield: 1 servings
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