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1 lb squid (opt, but highly recommended)
1 white wine
24 mussels, fresh in-shell; or
24 oysters, fresh in-shell
16 crab claws, cooked
1 lb lobster meat, freshly cooked
16 prawns; cooked, peeled
1 lb shrimp, med; cooked, peeled
1/2 lb shrimp, popcorn; cooked
16 lemon wedges
3/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 can mushrooms packed in oil
1 cup mayonnaise
1/3 cup catsup
1 brandy; to taste
1 worcestershire; to taste
Have your fish dealer prepare the squid (skin, remove the long bone on the inside, the yellow deposit, and the ink sac). Wash the squid well, dry thoroughly, and cut crosswise into 1/4" slices resembling rings. Poach in white wine to cover just until tender. Drain. Cool to room temperature.
Thoroughly wash and scrub the mussels, removing grit and sand. Place the mussels in a large pot. Pour in 1/2 cup boiling water, cover and steam over medium heat for 5 minutes or until the shells open. They should be cooked and served the same day you buy them.
Arrange an assortment of the seafood attractively on 8 plates. Garnish with lemon wedges. Whisk together the oil and lemon juice, and drizzle the mixture over the seafood. Using a whisk, combine the mayonnaise, catsup, brandy, and Worchestershire sauce. Serve a dollopof this sauce on each plate.
Venetian cooking allows the delicate flavor of the seafood full rein. This antipasto is actually a filling first course.
Yield: 8 servings
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