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Pizza Pasta: Date Added: 13 Nov 2009
Listed in: Pizza

2/3 lb. leftover spaghetti with sauce (300g)
3 x eggs
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (45ml)
freshly grated Grana Padano
salt to season

Cooking Instructions

In a bowl, beat eggs with freshly grated Grana Padano cheese before adding leftover spaghetti. Make sure the spaghetti is fully covered with egg. Add a dash or two of salt, noting that the leftover spaghetti is already seasoned with salt.

Heat olive oil in a sauce pan. To test oil temperature, drop a piece of spaghetti into the pan. If it sizzles upon contact, the oil is ready. Pour spaghetti mixture into pan and flatten it out like a pancake. Fry for 2 minutes on high heat or until golden brown.

It is important to drain all excess oil from the pan before flipping the pasta over. To flip the pasta, cover pan with a plate larger than the pan and hold it covered.

Flip the pan and plate together to transfer pasta onto plate, then slide the uncooked portion back into pan and continue cooking for another 2 minutes or until golden brown. Remove pizza pasta from pan and place on plate with paper napkin underneath . Serve warm or cold.

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