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1 quart cider vinegar
3 cups sugar
1/2 pound seedless raisins
6 pound very tart (sour) apples -- peeled, quartered, and cored
1/4 pound garlic -- peeled, chopped
1/2 pound gingerroot -- peeled, chopped
6 red or green chili peppers -- seeded, chopped
2 tablespoons pickling salt
Sugar -- to taste
Cayenne -- to taste
6 pounds hard green pears -- peeled, cored, and cut into strips
In large preserving kettle mix the vinegar, sugar, raisins, apples, garlic cloves, gingerroot, peppers, and salt.
Bring to a boil and simmer until the apples are mushy and transparent. If necessary, add a little more vinegar.
Taste and add sugar and cayenne as desired. Add the pears and simmer until the pears are transparent but not overcooked. Spoon into hot jars and seal. This recipe yields 8 to 10 pints.
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