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2 x large russet baking potatoes, washed and cut into large chunks
3 tbsp canola oil
2 x salmon filets, 6 oz each
Salt and pepper
4 x green onions, sliced thinly
1 x bunch fresh dill, chopped
1 x egg, lightly beaten
Steam potatoes in a stovetop steamer until tender when pierced with a fork. Meanwhile heat a sauté pan over medium-high heat and when it's hot, add oil. Using a potato masher, mash them together.
Season salmon filets and sear on both sides until just cooked through. Place the potatoes into a large bowl and add salmon, salt and pepper. Add green onions, dill and egg and mix well.
Form into 4 large patties. If the mixture seems a bit loose and won't form a well-packed cake, add some breadcrumbs until it binds well. Heat a large skillet and add oil. Add salmon cakes and fry them until they are golden brown on each size and heated through
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